JRA Landscape Architecture PLLC 1960 Lincoln Park West Amenity Deck triangle  
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JRA 1960 Lincoln Park West Pool Aerial
Jacobs/Ryan Associates was hired to develop a new look for a dated condominium pool and outdoor amenity area in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago. The building was constructed primarily of concrete and has a large pool terrace overlooking Lincoln Park. With steep slopes from the building to the terrace deck and a narrow entrance to the pool, accessibility was a major concern of the client. Another goal was to brighten the space at night for those viewing it from the high-rise above.   JRA 1960 Lincoln Park West Pool Pergola 3
JRA 1960 Lincoln Park West Pool Fountain Jacobs/Ryan Associates reinvisioned the space, increasing accessibility and enlarging the pool deck. The pool was refreshed with a new pool surface, new tile, updated lighting, and state of the art equipment. Around the pool, a new entrance and exit stair was installed to create a dramatic entrance and increase lounge space for residents. The entire pool deck and terrace surface was refurbished with a decorative patterned concrete coating to create an overall cohesiveness. New lush landscaping accentuate design features; including a pergola, limestone seatwall, and decorative fountain.

The overall terrace is now an engaging space for pool users and those who just want to sit and passively enjoy the outdoors. Property owners overlooking the new terrace are delighting with their new views.

Images Courtesy of T. Andrews

Client: 1960 Lincoln Park West Homeowner's Association; Structural Engineers: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc; General Contractor: T. Andrews; Installation and Carpentry: Landeck Specialties; Landscape Contractor: Western DuPage Landscaping

  JRA 1960 Lincoln Park West Pool Furnishings
JRA 1960 Lincoln Park West Pool Stair
JRA 1960 Lincoln Park West Pool Stairs 4   JRA 1960 Lincoln Park West Pool Plantings
JRA 1960 Lincoln Park West Pool Pergola
    JRA Landscape Architecture PLLC Landscape Architects triangle
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  www.jacobsryan.com (p) 312.664.3217 / (f) 312.337.1550   1527 N. Sandburg Terrace, Chicago IL 60610